Tag: StartUp

  • Jozi Tech Mix Event

    Jozi Tech Mix Event

    Founders Networking & Pitching Event We are excited to announce an upcoming Networking Event for Startups and Business Professionals. Whether you are a company or startup founder, broker, investor, or simply looking to expand your network, this event is the perfect opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals. At this networking event, you will have the…

  • How African Entrepreneurs Can Thrive with Google for Startups Cloud Program

    In the dynamic world of startups, access to robust technological infrastructure can catapult a budding business into the global marketplace. Google for Startups Cloud Program emerges as a beacon of support for entrepreneurs who are ready to take their innovations to the next level. Despite its potential, many African entrepreneurs have yet to take full…

  • Unlock Career Success: Think like an entrepreneur

    Unlock Career Success: Think like an entrepreneur

    Adopting an entrepreneurial mindset has become increasingly valuable in today’s rapidly evolving and competitive professional landscape. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or working within a traditional corporate setting, thinking like an entrepreneur can provide numerous advantages that propel your career to new heights. In this piece, I want to explore the advantages of entrepreneurial thinking…